2012年2月28日 星期二

Hey Soul Sister-Train (歌詞中文翻譯)

Hey, Soul Sister
Soul Sister 到底是什麼呢?唱靈魂樂的姐姐,就是黑人女性。但是你要解釋成跟你感情很好的另一半(Soul Mate)也可以。


Heeey heeeey heeeeey

Your lipstick stays on the front lobe of my left side brains

I knew I wouldn't forget you

And so I went and let you blow my mind

Your sweet moving

The smell of you in every single dream I dream

I knew when we collided you're the one I have decided Who's one of my kind

Hey soul sister, ain't that Mr. mister on the radio, stereo
(美女,收音機正在播Mr. Mister的歌)
(註1:Soul Sister,在這整首歌可能有兩種意思,可能表示黑人女性,因為黑人發明靈魂樂(Soul);也可能是取Soul Mate的意思,單純指一個很合得來的女孩)
(註2:Mr. Mister是一個80年代的樂團)

The way you move ain't fair you know

Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
This lyrics is translated by Three Minute Passion

Heeey heeeey heeeey

Just in time, I'm so glad you have a one track mind like me

You gave my life direction

A game show love connection, we can't deny
(註:Love Connection 是美國'80-'90年代的遊戲節目(game show),類似台灣以前的「我愛紅娘」)

I'm so obsessed

My heart is bound to beat right out my untrimmed chest


I believe in you, like a virgin, you're Madonna

And I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind
All lyrics translations from  Three Minutes Passion are original

Hey soul sister, ain't that Mr.mister on the radio, stereo
(美眉,現在收音機正在播Mr. Mister的歌)

The way you move ain't fair you know

Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight

The way you can cut a rug
(註:黑人女性時常帶有天生的韻律感,所以這裡可能暗示Soul Sister是黑人,所以比較會跳舞)

Watching you is the only drug I need

So gangster, I'm so thug
(註:gangster指舊市區(inner city)中的小混混,從影集看來,在美國大城的inner city裡,好像是黑人居住為多,所以這裡又暗示Soul Sister可能是黑人)

You're the only one I'm dreaming of

You see I can be myself now finally

In fact there's nothing I can't be

I want the world to see you being with me

Hey soul sister, ain't that Mr. mister on the radio, stereo

The way you move ain't fair you know
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight

Heeey heeeey heeeeey (tonight)


Drops of Jupiter-Train (歌詞中文翻譯)
Calling All Angels-Train (歌詞中文翻譯)





