2011年3月4日 星期五

勵志點唱機(16)Too much information-Duran Duran(中文歌詞)

去年此時,人類的光榮-IPAD降臨。哪裡買得到它,就會有歡樂的人龍;電視上討論的永遠是IPAD,Android, Kindle....Blur blur blur。在買不到IPAD的地方,IPAD也不會遺棄你的。因為,我們有跨海『代購服務』。

今年同時,人類的驕傲- IPAD2又再度現世了。它更新、更快、更薄。如果沒辦法擁有IPAD2,你的人生還有什麼意義呢?

Too Much Information
演唱者:Duran Duran

Destroyed by MTV,

I hate to bite the hand that feeds me so much information
(註:bite the hand that feeds me→咬那隻餵我的手,請想像你餵狗的時候,愛犬卻狠你咬一口)
(Duran Duran 這個樂團,當年是藉MTV頻道的宣傳而竄紅,這裡暗示Duran Duran對MTV頻道又愛又恨)

The pressure's on the screen to sell you things that you don't need

It's too much information for me

Hey TV Child look into my eyes

Here by intervention I want your attention

Promotion Boy in a suit and tie

He wants you to use it

you're too shot to lose it (註:shot有精疲力盡的意思)

It's pumpin down the cable
like never seen before

A condom manufacturer is sponsoring the war

Here comes the news with love from me to you

Destroyed by ABC

I hate to bite the hand that feeds me so much information

The Pressure's on the screen to sell you things that you don't need

It's too much information for me

Turn on the tube hits you with the Groove

Advertizin muzik we want you to choose it


These teeth are white trainers ULTRA BRITE

This band is perfect just don't scratch the surface
(Super Junior長得好帥,歌也唱得好好)

We covered all the angles the survey people said

Just put us on the cover we'll be smilin anyway

This video was made with LOVE to you

Destroyed by BBC

I hate to bite the hand that
feeds me so much information
(我(Duran Duran)是也是因為有媒體才紅的)

The Pressure's on the screen to sell you things that you don't need

It's too much information for me

Destroyed by MTV

I hate to bite the hand that feeds me so much information

The Pressure's on the screen to sell you things that you don't need

It's too much information for me

Dilate your MIND

Dilate your MIND

Dilate your MIND

Got to give it to me

Got to listen to me

Got to give in to me

Now I'm on the line

I try......

杜蘭杜蘭合唱團 (Duran Duran)是1978年成立於英國的『新浪潮』(New Wave)搖滾樂團。新浪潮音樂發源於英國,融合電子、迪斯可音樂元素;題材則常牽扯政治。雖然名字『新浪潮』聽起來很詩意,但是這類的搖滾樂,往往令人精神緊張,焦慮、不安。
Duran Duran合唱團在二十前的台灣也小有名氣。當年,因為五個團員年輕貌美、才藝出眾。所以,託小虎隊的福,Duran Duran也趕上了這波偶像歌手風,再加上團名好記,朗朗上口,在二十年前封閉的台灣,應該擁有不少女性歌迷。

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1 則留言:

  1. 你的翻譯真的超超超超傳神有趣的 ,好喜歡 :)
    我還滿同意這首歌的觀點的 ,有意思!!
    版主回覆:(01/08/2012 06:36:56 AM)

