2011年7月9日 星期六

Sunday Bloody Sunday-U2(中文歌詞)


Sunday Bloody Sunday


Ummm, hmmm

I can't believe the news today

Oh, I can't close my eyes and make it go away

How long, how long must we sing this song?

How long, how long

Cause tonight, We can be as one tonight

Broken bottles under children's feet

Bodies strewn across the dead end street

But I won't heed the battle call

It puts my back up→慣用語,指生氣

 All lyrics translations from  Three Minutes Passion are original

Puts my back up against the wall


Sunday, bloody Sunday

Sunday, bloody Sunday

Sunday, bloody Sunday

Sunday, bloody Sunday

And the battle's just begun

There's many lost, but tell me who has won

The trench is dug within our hearts

And mothers, children, brothers, sisters torn apart

Sunday, bloody Sunday

Sunday, bloody Sunday

How long, how long must we sing this song?

How long, how long

Cause tonight We can be as one

Tonight, tonight

Sunday, bloody Sunday

Sunday, bloody Sunday

Wipe the tears from your eyes

Wipe your tears away

Oh, wipe your tears away

Oh, wipe your tears away
(堅強起來,我們不要IRA【Ireland Republic Army】 )

Sunday, bloody Sunday

Oh, wipe your bloodshot eyes

Sunday, bloody Sunday

Sunday, bloody Sunday

And it's true we are immune

When fact is fiction and TV reality

 All lyrics translations from  Three Minutes Passion are original

And today the millions cry

We eat and drink while tomorrow they die

The real battle just begun

To claim the victory Jesus won

On Sunday bloody Sunday, yeah

Sunday bloody Sunday

註:北愛爾蘭是英國的一部分。從1969-1998這段時間,英國統治下的北愛爾蘭,內部有嚴重的族群分裂和歧視。外面又有愛爾蘭共和軍(Ireland Republic Army, IRA)希望將愛爾蘭南北統一,於是長年和英軍衝突,攻擊英國本土。北愛爾蘭情勢緊張,內戰一觸即發。

1972年1月30日(星期日),在北愛爾蘭的伯賽區(Derry, Bogside area),一個傾向和平的天主教徒組織 Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association在示威遊行時,和英軍起衝突。接著英軍開槍殺死14個非武裝的遊行者,其中半數都是青少年。
英軍說,會開槍的原因,是因為他們接到線報,認為當地有『愛爾蘭共和軍』的狙擊手準備攻擊,所以才會開槍。因此,U2在演唱會後,才喊出『No war, no more, no IRA...』。其實,U2是藉由這一天,喚起大家,正視北愛和英軍長期衝突的問題。


欲知更多U2 歌詞翻譯,請繼續閱讀本站:

Stuck in the Moment You Can't Get Out of-U2(中文歌詞)
With or Without You-U2(中文歌詞)

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