2011年9月7日 星期三

Jingle Bell Rock(Literal Version)-Hall and Oates(中文歌詞)


Jingle Bell Rock
演唱者:Hall and Oates

Bubblehead bubble head, walk like a duck

Reach for embrace, move gift from your face

goofy expression, we finished the tree

now exchange some lame gifts with me

I am gay lumberjack, shaking the box
(註:lumberjack是伐木工,常穿格子裝。伐木工在美國是很Man的行業。MV裡Daryl Hall穿著紅色的格子裝,紅色是女性化的顏色,和伐木工的形象反差很大,所以被稱為Gay Lumbrejack)

family outside, let's go and say hi

watch our hand while we strut to the door,

the gifts disappeared!

This lyrics is translated by Three Minute Passion

Everything's fake, wacky handshake

as I let in the geek,

Bunch of drunk guy, leave them outside,

It ain't new year another week

Special kid got the drum, look at his head


too much green in this shot

Open the present to reveal the guitar

what a big freakin shock

string interlude, our granny is a dude
(註:老祖母是由Hall & Oates樂團的吉他手, G.E Smith反串)

All lyrics translations from  Three Minutes Passion are original

It's a smoke bomb, santa claus

his makeup is way too thick

stupid dance time, don't I look like,

Elvis and Howdy doody had a kid?
(註:Howdy Doody是美國喜劇中一個人形玩偶的名字)

Cardigan, old guy wig, drunk still outside

Someone should call the cop

cut to the close-up so you no longer see,

my hammer slack, play plastic sax,

guitar playing grandma


欲知更多Literal Version 歌詞翻譯,請繼續閱讀本站:

Making Love Out of Nothing(Literal Version)-Air Supply(中文歌詞)
Anything for Love(Literal Version)-Meatloaf(中文歌詞)
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